Until 12 June at the Jewish Museum in Bologna, the exhibition “Luca Moscariello. Puzzle” curated by Alice Zannoni.
Luca Moscariello’s “Puzzle” project is part of the exhibition activities promoted by the Jewish Museum of Bologna, creating a dialogue between the historical narration on which the exhibition “Righteous among the Nations in Emilia Romagna” is based and the opening up to contemporary art as a means of expression to give further reflection on what history itself has been.
The Puzzles are a game of subjective and evocative reconstruction, planes folded like the pages of a book of memories, which just like memory lasts over time, creating new points of reflection between what we think we see and what really happens.
Reservation is compulsory at the following e-mail ufficiostampa@museoebraicobo.it
Free entrance