24 hours of general strike for Friday 26 October.
As for the Usl Company in Bologna, the strike involves the operators of the sector (nurses, health workers, health technicians, midwives, rehabilitation and administrative staff) and the medical management, health, technical, professional and administrative area. .
The Local Health Authority of Bologna ensures the minimum levels of activity envisaged by the trade union agreement in the event of a strike, in line with the relevant regulatory provisions.
The transport company Tper also takes part in the strike, reporting the procedures for the various bus, train and other activities pertaining to Tper.
For the traveling staff of the Tper car and trolley services of the Bologna and Ferrara service bases (bus and coach) the strike will take place from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm and from 7.30 pm at the end of the service.
During strike times, urban, suburban and suburban public transport services will not be guaranteed.
More specifically, for urban, suburban and extra-urban means of the Bologna basin, only runs from the central terminus to the suburbs will be guaranteed, and vice versa, with departure time until 8.15 am and until 7.15 pm in the evening. For the extra-urban lines of the Bologna basin operated by the Autoguidovie carrier, the same strike times will be in force.
For the urban lines of Imola will be guaranteed all the complete runs departing from the train station, or from the bus station, up to 8.20 in the morning and up to 19.20 in the evening.
For urban, suburban and taxibus services in Ferrara, only runs from the peripheral, central and intermediate terminals will be guaranteed, with departure time until 8.15 am and until 7.15 pm in the evening.
The trains:
From 21.00 on Thursday 25th to 9.00pm on Friday 26th October a national strike was launched for the Italian Railways Group staff, except for the Provinces of Trento, Bolzano and Verbano Cusio Ossola and of the common electoral consultations.
As for the regional trains will be guaranteed essential services provided in the event of a strike on weekdays from 6.00 to 9.00 and from 18.00 to 21.00, available here.
Active toll-free number 800 892021 from 09.00 on Thursday 25th to 23.00 on Friday 26 October 2018.
Source: BolognaToday