The series of conferences dedicated to women artists, curated by the professors Vera Fortunati and Irene Graziani, offers a new and interesting calendar of events until May 2019.
The project, promoted and organized by the Metropolitan City in collaboration with the Department of Arts of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, intends to disseminate the results of the most recent studies in Italy and abroad on the role of women in the history of art .
From the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century the role of women in Bologna was particularly significant both in the field of figurative arts and in literature and science. If the Studium prematurely favored the presence of women in university teaching, even the artistic environment has proved open to the activity of women artists.
Starting from the reconstruction of this story - which gave life to the publication of monographic studies and important exhibitions dedicated to protagonists such as Properzia de 'Rossi, Lavinia Fontana, Elisabetta Sirani, Ginevra Cantofoli, now known to the general public - arose in Bologna the "Documentation Center for the History of Women Artists in Europe" under the scientific direction of Vera Fortunati, based in Via della Rondine 3 in Bologna, at the Historical Archives of the Metropolitan City.
Conferences always begin at 5.30 pm at Palazzo Malvezzi, via Zamboni 13, home of the Metropolitan City
The program:
Thursday 28 February
Valeria Rubbi
Women in power, builders of architecture in the modern age
Thursday 7 March
Nicoletta Barberini
The world of the stick: a reality also female
Thursday, March 28th
Consuelo Lollobrigida
«Aaco and a spindle preferred the brush»: women artists in Rome in the age of the Barberini
Tuesday, April 9th
Bernardina Sani
Rosalba Carriera, the gallant culture and the society of conversation in Europe in the eighteenth century
Thursday 18 April
Jadranka Bentini
The Russian amazons
Thursday 9 May
Stefania Biancani
When the queen leaves the crown and goes into the garden: Élisabeth Vigée Lebrun and the portrait
Thursday, May 15th
Maura Pozzati
The blooms of linguistic verses: an encounter with Sissi.