The proposal of the Lercaro Collection is characterized as a series of meetings on themes of ancient and contemporary art, conducted paying particular attention to the spiritual dimension.
For the cycle The image, revelation of the Divine:
Tuesday 12 March, 8.45 pm
The signs of Easter in the mosaics of Ravenna
Conference of Francesca Passerini
A journey through the "narrated" Gospel with unparalleled beauty from the luminous tesserae of the mosaics of Ravenna: from the Arian baptistery to the mausoleum of Galla Placidia up to the basilicas of San Vitale and Sant'Apollinare in Classe. Secular images that speak to the heart and intelligence of every man.
The complete program
Wednesday 20 March, 8.45 pm
The theophany of light in Byzantine art
Andrea's Conference Dall'Asta SJ
Tuesday 2 April, 8.45 pm
The revelation of God in Baroque art, between finite and infinite
Andrea's Conference Dall'Asta SJ
Wednesday 10 April, 8.45 pm
"Coronation of the Virgin" by Simone dei Crocifissi:
history and meanings of a rediscovered work
Franco Faranda conference
Tuesday 14 May, 8.45 pm
La Maddalena, icon of mystic love in art
between Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Vera Fortunati conference
Tuesday 21 May, 8.45 pm
A face, a soul: the portrait of a "Farmer"
by Giovanni Fattori at the Lercaro Collection
Presentation of a painting by Giovanni Fattori
edited by Elena Pontiggia
Tuesday 28 May, 8.45 pm
Art and Jazz: colors and vibrations of the soul
Conference of Claudio Calari
Not just conferences ...
The Lercaro Collection organizes guided tours that aim to make the visitor discover, through selected works, a transversal reading of some themes present in the art collection of the
Lercaro collection and temporary exhibitions.
Sunday 17 March, 4.30 pm
The sense of nature: a path between natural landscape,
symbolic and abstract
Visit by Maria Rapagnetta
Saturday 23 March, 11.00 am
Mats Bergquist. It is! Stand in front of the work
to reveal meanings and listen to silence
Visit by Francesca Passerini
Admission is free and no reservation is required.
Lercaro collection
Via Riva di Reno, 57 - Bologna
Tel. 051-6566210