Saturday 29 June, from 10 am to 8 pm, a day is scheduled at the Botanical Garden of Bologna (Via Irnerio, 42) to experience the flavors, sounds and sensations in the largest green space within the city walls.
The day, initially postponed due to bad weather, includes a series of guided tours in which the University staff will illustrate the treasures kept in the green museum (from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm, departing every 30 minutes, free offer) .
It will also be possible to watch "puff pastry demonstrations". There will also be tastings of tortelloni with butter and sage, tagliatelle with nettles with Bolognese sauce and raviole, growing, fresh pasta, fruit and vegetable stores organized by the Sfogline Association and the Bologna Bakers Association, from Unione Cuochi Bolognesi and Federcarni from Fedagromercati and FIDA, from the Confcommercio Ascom Bologna Herbalist Federation.
It will be possible to listen to the performances of the Sensaspine Orchestra and it will be possible to participate in the Anusara® yoga lessons with Alessandra Pergreffi, an Anusara Yoga certified teacher, at 11 and 16, by reservation, from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm and 3 pm-6:30pm to, cell. 346 8046907. A contribution of 10 euros is required for each 1 hour lesson which will be accompanied, in the relaxation phase, by the music of the Senzaspine Orchestra.
All the proceeds from the day will contribute to the fundraising for the Botanical Garden. Information material will also be distributed free of charge on: "Spices and aromatic herbs" and on the "Food Pyramid".