The Bologna Museums Institution opens the new year by launching a sensitization initiative to support the city's artistic heritage in the city's museums.
Starting from January 6th, the first Sunday of the month with free admission to the permanent collections of the civic museums, entering the MAMbo and the Archaeological Civic Museum visitors will find an urn with the exhortation 'from TU a value to culture' in which they can leave a free contribution to support the collections, receiving in exchange a pin with an image linked to the museum that are about to visit.
For MAMbo, this is a reworking of the logo, while for the Museo Civico Archeologico a detail of the anthropoid sarcophagus was chosen in the name of Tasciakheper, belonging to the Egyptian Section.
The initiative, which aims to stimulate the public to become a participant in the first person contributing to the support of the common good, will be extended in the next few months to all other institutions of the institution, also in view of a rethinking of the modalities of free admission to museums in some particular days.
With the campaign by the TU a value to culture the Bologna Museums Institution confirms the will to promote the development of civic museums and the extension of their use, encouraging each visitor to take part, with a small voluntary donation, to a collective action support of the public artistic heritage.