Casalecchio di reno - Zola predosa - Crespellano - Bazzano - Monteveglio - Castello di serravalle - Mongiorgio - Monte san pietro - Savigno
We start our itinerary discovering the outskirts; we go out from Porta Sant’Isaia taking the Porrettana main road getting to CASALECCHIO DI RENO. You can’t miss a walk along Parco Talon Sampieri, especially in summer, because the park turns into a theatre of musical events and shows; unfortunately there are only some ruins of the villa left. Some beautiful XV century villas, Villa Ranuzzi Segni called “il Lauro” and “Villa Beccadelli” called “la Marullina, testify the old Bolognese noble families’ holidays.
Taking the Bazzanese main road we get to ZOLA PREDOSA where we stop at Palazzo Albergati, an imposing villa of the half XVII century, today important cultural and conference Centre. We go on to CRESPELLANO where we can admire some villas of the end of the XVII century such as Villa Aldrovandi, Villa Banzi, Villa Bianconi. Going back to the Bazzanese we arrive in Bazzano where we can find a charming example of medieval architecture, the Rocca Matildea, rebuilt at the end of the XV century; the interior can be visited and there is an interesting archeological museum. BAZZANO isn’t known only for its famous fortress, but it’s well-known as an agricultural center; those who are interested in D.O.C. wines, here can choose among Barbera,Sauvignon, Albana, Trebbiano, Pinot Bianco and Pignoletto. We leave Bazzano and go towards south along the main road; after some kilometers we find MONTEVEGLIO, a small medieval center. A wonderful Abbay built in 1092, the Abbazia di Santa Maria Assunta can be reached through the stone houses, gardens; from the historical center we can enjoy a wonderful view of the Parco dell’Abbazia with the historical peaks of Cucherla, Monte Veglio, Monte Morello, Monte Gennaro; before going away you can’t miss the typical “grana” cheese of the area and excellent wines like Bianco dell’Abbazia, Pignoletto, Merlot and other characteristic D.O.C. wines. Now we go on the Valle Samoggia main road; turning towards west we find CASTELLO DI SERRAVALLE, another medieval village; we can see the beautiful ogive crenellated door with drawbridge, going back we take the road towards MONTE SAN PIETRO , at Badia, where we visit the great Abbey of SS Fabiano and Sebastiano in Romanesque style. Some elegant Palaces of the XV and XVI century end our visit: they are Palazzo Casali that contains some paintings in tempera dating back to the XVIII century, Palazzo Dondini, now Sassoli De Bianchi and Palazzo Montebiancano. Another medieval village of the XV century is MONGIORGIO, at 11 km from Monte San Pietro and it is to be visited. Our last stop is SAVIGNO, famous for the revolt of the Risorgimento.